Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Power fags and their men!!

The news is out, gay men are taking over . They are our new power-men. If we don't believe me look around you. We are experiencing a situation where some well known gay men are in charge of "shit" in various fields.
We've also been told since kitambo that behind every successful man there is a woman. What happens when you are gay? In the closet or otherwise, roho ya shoga ni ya shoga!! Who's behind these successful men, is it there well kept secrets or the make believe wives? And if it's the make believe wife, what the fuck is she doing there?
As gay men of this generation and the one before, we've been told way too many times about how same gender loving is evil. We shall all burn in hell for our heathen ways..... blah! blah! blah!. what's so freaking wrong with a man being by our side as we climb the career ladder. Even as a gay business man we have to hide your love life while others or rather the straights flaunt there's..... its not fair.
"Whose fault is it?" I ask. Everyones! Our forefathers for not knowing any better, colonizers for the lies they told, our parents for the conditional love and most of all, us for not being more brave.
Presently, if you are a young kenyan gay kenyan, it is in vogue to act straight or be it in public. But do we ever stop to think of the chains we are putting on our future? "The future". We should be preparing our peers for a time when a fag in charge, can show up at the end-of-year work party with his man by his side.
Atleast, there's hope some 87 years from now when all our fabulosity and that of our sons and daughters is six feet under, when cds are collector items, KICC will be yet another wonder of the world from sisi Wakenya. When the likes of Oduor and Mutua, will hold hands in public and kiss each other as they come out of their State House residence.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

When he's just not really into you....

Ever wondered whether your significant other is really into you?

As a gay man i constantly ask myself this big question. Is he really into me? how would i tell? do i really like him? or is this all a game? let's face it, whether dating or in a serious relationship, games come with the territory.

Let's not be naive people. There are always tell-tale signs when someone is not into you, and are just stringing you along for the ride. The way the act, talk, treat you both in public and private. Wouldn't it come in handy to know as to whether this is the man of your dreams "ideal partner" your dating and whether it might lead to a serious relationship, hence saving one's self from lots of heart ache?

I feel that most of us xhings need some help on this, so take your pen and paper and note this down...
He's just NOT into you ;
  • if he buys a new fone and leaves you hungry.
  • if he's not picking your calls or returning your texts on the day of the booty call.
  • if he keeps rusing you off the fone.
  • if he never told you about the wife and kids.
  • if he spends more time with the faghag than with you and her opinion counts too much.
  • if he kisses / makes-out with another dude in-front of you without your consent, hiyo ni madharau, bure yeye!
  • if he'd rather watch America's next top model than be with you.
  • if he constantly takes too much booze and drugs, blacks-out and leaves you high and dry
  • if he keeps stealing your ride without permission and goes cruising with the boys.
  • if he bitches about you in public to appear more manly and gives you shitty loving in private.
  • if he's not leaving his girlfriend for you.
  • if he feels he's hotter than you
  • if he show's up for your first date with 5 or his straight friends, that's too crowded for me.
  • if he invites you out and wants you to look like you are just hang-out/ beer buddies.
  • if he needs to be drunk or high to tell you the truth, a real man never hides behind booze and weed.
  • if he has disclaimers for everything e.g. the dinner got burnt .......
  • if he takes you for granted and does not appreciate you.
  • when your opinion doesn't count.
  • if he refuses to give you his contact number.....
  • if he refuses to bottom for you. My take on this is that; the so proclaimed "total" tops are plain selfish. Versatility is IN like a Gucci bag. You scratch my back, I scratch yours too is my motto...
  • if he refuses to take you to the dentist, how the fuck does he expect you to make out with a tooth ache.
  • if he wants to dress you straight.
  • if you keep buying him booze and he never wants to bed you.
  • if he constantly doesn't want to introduce you to his pals and family. Get me right, sisemi tushikane mikono, but the least he can do is introduce you as his best pal!!
  • if he decides to relocate and doesnt tell you. Whats up with that....??!!
  • if he brings the faghag to your place and expects you to show her how to cook.
  • if he thinks you are a whore or slut and you are out laying everything and anything.
  • if he doesn't want to cuddle after sex. Sorry, no wam bam thank you papa for me.
  • if he wants you to act like a blonde bimbo coz you are more intelligent. Hallo! there's no need to lower your standards for someone else.
  • if he always compares dick sizes.....
  • Etc, etc, etc
Agree with me or not, most xhings have gone through some of the above listed. Feel free to add from your own experiences and we can debate....

No one is perfect. Finding the "ideal dude", is like looking for a needle in a hay stack, so "best of the breed dude" would be your best bet.

Kwa hivyo, makuchu zindukeni!!! Muonyeshe mlango kama haku-feel!

this gay life..

This is a forum to discuss all things gay.
As if it's not hard enough to live with malaria, inflation, being black, african and in Kenya, you have to wake up one morning and decide that your love for men is not secret anymore.

this gay life gives a perspective on all issues - life.